What is Autism: - Autism can be tricky to define: Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects how a person’s brain develops and functions, and an estimated 1 in 40* people are on the autism spectrum. Autism can be diagnosed in people of all ages, all cultural backgrounds and economic status.
Social Interactions: Many Autistic people feel uncomfortable in busy and complex social settings – and may find it easier connecting through online chat, games or video Autistic people can also experience difficulty when it comes to reading social cues or understanding how non-Autistic people think. Regulating emotions can be a challenge, and some Autistic people prefer their own company to their peers’ (both in the playground and into adulthood). As a result of all this, building and maintaining friendships can be a challenge.
Sensory Awareness: Many Autistic people have heightened sensory awareness – making them more sensitive to sounds, smells, tastes and physical touch. As a result, they might: Feel distressed or overwhelmed by things like loud noises, bright lights, the feel of certain fabrics or ‘up close and personal’ experiences like getting a haircut. Try to block out discomfort by covering ears or hiding in quiet places. Repeat certain movements when stressed or excited, such as hand flapping or pacing. Seek reassuring sensory experiences, whether it’s running hands along certain textures, sniffing objects or flicking fingers in front of eyes.
Strengths and Interests: - Of course, personal strengths vary – but many Autistic people are particularly good at logical or visual thinking, remembering facts and figures, having a keen eye for detail, and understanding technology. A very strong focus and deep interest in a specific topic or activity is another characteristic that a lot of Autistic people share, making them experts in a chosen area. On a personal level, Autistic people often display character strengths such as honesty, loyalty, reliability, persistence, fairness and kindness. The one thing l would love for other people to know is that having a diagnosis of autism isn’t a negative thing and that all the stereotypical associations with the condition are not all true. We are all “a different brilliant” and all have our own special interests and are well versed in a wide range of topics.
About Autism: - Autism is a lifelong developmental condition characterized by difficulties in social interaction, communication, restricted and repetitive interests and behaviours, and sensory sensitivities. The word spectrum reflects the wide range of challenges that people on the spectrum experience and the extent to which they may be affected. About 675,000* Australians are Autistic, and each person has different strengths, interests, challenges and aspiration. *Based on latest prevalence estimates and Australian Bureau of Statistics census data It is four times more common in boys than girls. The quality of life for many children and adults can be significantly improved by an early diagnosis and appropriate evidence-informed treatment. Aspect supports people on the spectrum and their families by providing information, education and a variety of services aimed at meeting the specific needs of everyone. Aur vision, values, and purpose Why we do, what we do
The best opportunities for people on the autism spectrum.
We are passionate about people, about being positive and about what’s possible
A different brilliant-understanding,engaging and celebrating